KISU Swim Program
Penticton has become a destination for high quality swimmers to train and compete while going to school.
There are 2 options for competitive swimming in our district.
SD67 Swim Program
Very competitive swimmers can enroll in the swim academy through Penticton Secondary. The Swim Program takes place during the afternoon block of each school day. Swim Program students also join the KISU Swim Club for a very comprehensive swimming program involving training each afternoon during the school day as well as several morning and after school training sessions per week. Students wishing to join the swim program must have their swim times verified by the academy before acceptance.
KISU Swim Club
The KISU swim club is a community based swim club designed for recreational to competitive swimmers. The KISU club has a training schedule involving morning and after school sessions. Registration begins in August and must be done directly with the KISU swim club. Club information can be found at